
Venezuelan student leader bails from communist Venezuela

Yon Goicochea, a Venezuelan student leader recently has left Caracas, Venezuela with his young son and his wife, to Mexico. Apparently the student leader, who graduated from the Law School of my alma mater, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, left Caracas because of the political tension against the opposition.

Yon Goicochea was the leader of the student movement which in 2006 organized against the Constitutional Reform present by the socialist President, Hugo Chavez. Goicochea was severely critizied for not taking a more proactive approach towards politics and with certain shyness was involved with the political party, Primero Justicia.

For his involvement in the student movement against the Constitutional Reform back in 2007, Goicochea was given the Milton Friedman award for Freedom with a check of US$500,000.

Now what has Yon Goicochea done with the money so far? Obviously buy a home in his now beloved Mexico...I seriously think hes got a lot of explaining to do, specially student who remain here in Venezuela!

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