

Article 350 of the Venezuelan Bolivarian Constitution:

The people of Venezuela, true to their republican tradition and their struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates democratic values, principles and guarantees or encroaches upon human rights.


Chavez announces that Globovision will be taken off the airwaves...

Yesterday, in his personal efforts to also control the media, Hugo Chavez Frias, Venezuela´s current President announced that he will close Globovision or his name will no longer be Hugo Chavez Frias.

Emulating a very intellectually poor barrio thug, Chavez made a personal threat to close Globovision (or take them off the Venezuelan public airwaves) or he will change his name. So lets wait and watch the press closely to see whether or not, Chavez will close them or to see if he changes his name to something like CheGuevara, Fidel or Camilo Cienfuegos...

Lets remember Chavez´s war against private media en Venezuela. Even though that Chavez was democratically elected back in 1999 by strong collaboration of the status quo media outlets at that time, after more than a decade of governing Venezuela, he has waged a personal battle against the private media.

Back in 2006 Chavez ordered the closure of the first Television station in Venezuela, Radio Caracas Television, on account that they had collaborated with the coup de etat in April/2002 against his government. On account that the Television Station did not politically support his government, Chavez did not grant the extension of the television concession to Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) and orderred the transfer of all their assets to a socially motived television station called, TVES. No compensation was paid by the government in a clear ilegitimate confiscatory measure. Chavez´s argument for this government intervention was the lack of government news in television, which was clearly not the case, since the government had at that specific more more than 10 television stations, 4 of them transmitting nationally and more than 100 community radio stations.

Not only that but on account of the political violence of Chavez against Globovision and their reporters, some reporters filed a lawsuit before the Interamerican Court of Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS), which after strong litigation, ordered the state of Venezuela to stop the violation of free press against Globovision and their reporters. What is Globovision´s mistake? What are Globovision´s reporters doing wrong? They just disagree with Chavez and its government.

What I find really sad and pathetic is that because of Chavez direct intervention, several private media outlets (Venevision, Panorama, Televen) have had no choice but divert their editorial to favour or support Chavez and his socialist ideologies. This is also called censorship...

Now, why do you think Chavez wants to censor the media?