
No more Columbus reverence in Venezuela

The executive government (Chavez) acting through Fundapatrimonio this week after so much talking decided to remove the statute of Cristopher Columbus from el Calvario Plaza in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. The rationale behind the removal of Columbus was that Venezuelans could not continue to honor him. Columbus according to Chavistas did not discover the new world but came to the Americas to kill, loot, rape and plunder.

A car-toon

On Brain Plasticity

The discovery that the human brain can change its own structure and function with thought, and experience, turning on its own genes to change its circuitry, reorganize itself and change its operation is the most important alteration in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years. We shall explore how, given that the human brain has been plastic, we have missed this core feature. Many new cures for neurological and psychiatric conditions are described. This discovery has major implications for understanding the humanities, social science and culture, for it means that our individual cultural practices and experiences actually rewire our brains, so that differences between cultures give rise to different kinds of brains in the members of those cultures.

This is proposed by Norman Doidge, MD from Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research.

An important example of neuroplasticity is how we gain skills. Doidge presents an experiment performed by Pascual Leone where he mapped the brains of blind people learning to read Braille. Braille reading is a motor activity, which involves scanning with a reading finger, and a sensory activity, which involves feeling the raised bumps. The brain maintains a representation of these sensory and motor aspects and they are located on the sensory and motor cortexes respectively. The blind subjects practiced 2 hours a day, Monday through Friday, with an extra hour of homework. The mapping of their brains took place on Monday, after the weekend, and Friday, immediately after their week cram. What the scans ultimately showed is that the maps dramatically increased in size on Friday scans but returned to a "baseline" size on the following Monday. It took 6 months for the baseline Monday map to gradually increase and by 10 months they plateaued. After the blind subjects took a two month break, they were remapped, and their maps were unchanged from their last Monday mapping. What this shows is that long lasting changes as the result of skill learning took 10 months of repeated practice. The reason why short-term improvements were made based on the Friday mappings, but eventually disappeared, is the result of the type of neuronal connections that were taking place. The Friday mappings were the result of the strengthening of existing neuronal connections. Monday mappings, though showing little progress initially and plateauing at 10 months, were the result of the creation of new neural connections.


Chavez cuts back on Federalism, strong on Centralism

Chavez yesterday enacted an ammendment to the Descentralization Law in Venezuela. Venezuela has been traditionally a federalist country. In fact after the United States Revolution, the first country in North and South America to adopt the federalism as a form of the State, was Venezuela. Yes, it was the United States of Venezuela and was adopted back in 1864 by Juan Crisostomo Falcon. The United States of Venezuela existed from 1864 to 1953, when the country is termed Republic of Venezuela.

In 1999, Venezuela decided to change its name from Republic of Venezuela to Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, that is following Chavez intention to constitute Venezuela a Bolivarian State. Whatever that means and/or entails.

However, the 1999 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Constitution provides that the form of the Republic is a Federalism. This is provided under Article 4. Which entails that the States are political units protected under the Constitution. Further, it provides exclusive jurisdictions of the States of the Republic to manage airports, ports, highways and streets. This can be found under Article 164. And yes, the language it provides "exclusive jurisdiction of the States"...."competencia exclusiva de los Estados"...and we can find under subsection 10) the administration of airports, ports, highways and streets.

Now, Chavez has once again violated the Constitution. Or probably it was the National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) by enacting a law clearly in contravention of the Constitution. The ammended law (Ley de Descentralización published 17/3/2009 under Official Gazzette 367.985) directly provides that the National Government or Executive power (i.e the Presidency) will have concurrent jurisdiction along with local States. This is evidence of the shift of government policies, from a mild federalism to a strong centralist government in Caracas. In my opinion, this is mainly due to the influence of Cuba in Venezuelan politics. Perhaps Cuban consultants are advising Chavez of a way to control the exercise of power in Venezuela.

Now my question is, how can the National Assembly (acting as Chavez's agent or otherwise) ammend a direct provision of the Constitution by enacting a law? Or, better off for you attorneys, how can a law abrogate the Constitution?

Well my friends only in a country with dictatorship and lack of rule of law you can see such things.


The perils of Google

Have you ever thought what happens with the information you just entered in Google? Lets say you need to check your bank account, web browers nowadays make it really easy to search for something on google without even opening the browser. So, you search for say "Citibank" and Googles directs you to the specific website for your bank. But what happens with the key word searched in google? Well Google stores it and directly caters adverts to what sale experts think you need. So now that they know you are banking with say Citibank now they are going to send you specific adverts against Citibank or something more broader like "are you happy with your (blue) bank?"...The possibilities are endless...

One of the inventors of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners Lee, addressed the House of Lords with the specific problem of privacy and data protection of the internet users. Speaking to the House of Lords, the inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has criticised deep packet inspection ('DPI'), a technique used to monitor traffic on the internet and other communications networks. Mr Berners-Lee said "clearly we must not interfere with the internet. If we snoop on clicks and data, we can find out a lot more information about people than if we listen to their conversations." Targeted advertising services such as Phorm in the UK and, most recently, Google (see below) use DPI to monitor anonymised user behaviour and target adverts at those users. UK government initiatives such as the Intercept Modernisation Programme have also proposed using DPI to perform mass surveillance of the web communications of the entire UK population. Mr Berners-Lee declined to comment about any particular company or government initiative, but said internet service providers should not perform DPI.

Online publishers and agencies have defended the use of behavioural targeting following Tim Berners-Lee's warning against the collection of online data. Stuart Colman, head of digital for Europe at the Financial Times, said "if users want to access a site for free they need to be prepared to accept such things. Behavioural targeting is anonymous and it's helpful." Kent Ertugrul, founder and CEO of UK based target advertising company Phorm, defended his company's service, which he said is supported by the Information Commissioner's Office, the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, Ofcom, and the Home Office.

Also, Google has launched a behavioural advertising system which will use data gathered from tracking users' online activity to send them relevant adverts. Behavioural advertising systems (such as that of UK based Phorm) have recently run into controversy over the degree to which people are informed about their use and the ability to opt out of the system. Google's system allows users to edit the list of interests that Google creates. Users will also be able to opt out of the service altogether, and because of a new plug-in for browsers that means that the opt-out will survive any deletion of cookie files.

Happy St Paddys Day!

Of all the holidays this one is my favorite. Happy Saint Patricks Day!
Why is it my favorite?, Basically because its a holiday where you drink and wish for luck. And if something I believe in more is luck, small luck, lots-of-luck, first-time luck, ladyluck, smart luck, geeky luck, whateva...

I remember back in 1999, 2000 and 2001 at the parade in New York City. For this holiday they have a huge parade with everyone drinking at the bars and in the streets. The parade usually starts around 12pm. Its definitely a tradition for all new yorkers.

"May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you."
Irish Blessing


Is the Chavez regime a Dictatorship? That is according to Carl Schmitt

Carl Schmitt was a German jurist and law professor. Along with Heidegger he was regarded as philosophers of the Third Reich. Therefore, he was famous for supporting the Nazi regime with his legal thoughts and theories. Basically he argued that the exception (i.e. state of emergency) to any norm justifies the existence of the rule in first place. Consequently, sovereign is he who decides on the exception. He is studied by Constitutional lawyers henceforward.

In 1921, Carl Schmitt became a professor at the University of Greifswald in Nazi Germany, where he published his essay "Die Diktatur" ("On Dictatorship"), in which he discussed the foundations of the newly-established Weimar Republic, emphasising the office of the Reichspräsident. In this essay, Schmitt compared and contrasted what he saw as the effective and ineffective elements of the new constitution of his country. To him, the office of the president could be characterized as a comparatively effective element within the new constitution, because of the power granted to the president to declare a state of emergency. This power, which Schmitt discussed and implicitly praised as dictatorial, was seen as more effective, more in line with the underlying mentality of political power, than the comparatively slow and ineffective processes of legislative political power reached through parliamentary discussion and compromise.

Schmitt was at pains to remove what he saw as a squeamish taboo surrounding the concept of "dictatorship" and to show that, in his eyes, the concept is implicit whenever power is wielded through pathways outside the slow and rusty processes of parliamentary politics:

“If the constitution of a state is democratic, then every exceptional negation of democratic principles, every exercise of state power independent of the approval of the majority, can be called dictatorship.”

For Schmitt, every government capable of decisive action must include a dictatorial element within its constitution. Although the German concept of Ausnahmezustand is best translated as "state of emergency", it literally means state of exception which,according to Schmitt, frees the executive from any legal restraints to its power that would normally apply. The use of the term "exceptional" has to be underlined here: Schmitt defines sovereignty as the power to decide the instauration of state of exception, as Giorgio Agamben has noted. According to Agamben, Schmitt's conceptualization of the "state of exception" as belonging to the core-concept of sovereignty was a response to Walter Benjamin's concept of a "pure" or "revolutionary" violence, which didn't enter into any relationship whatsoever with right. Through the state of exception, Schmitt included all types of violence under right. According to Giorgio Agamben, this kind of violence, which necessarily bears a juridical value, is another example of the fusion of right to "bare life" (It. vita nuda, Greek) that transforms the juridical system into a "death machine," able to perform acts of pure violence as needed for self-legitimation, creating Homo sacer, a being that cannot be "murdered" or "sacrificed" but only killed.

Schmitt opposed what he called "chief constable dictature", or the declaration of a state of emergency in order to save the legal order (a temporary suspension of law, defined itself by moral or legal right): the state of emergency is limited (even if a posteriori, by law), to "sovereign dictature", in which law was suspended, as in the classical state of exception, not to "save the Constitution", but rather to create another Constitution. This is how he theorized Hitler's continual suspension of the legal constitutional order during the Third Reich (the Weimar Republic's Constitution was never abrogated, underlined Giorgio Agamben; rather, it was "suspended" for four years, first at February 28, 1933 Reichstag Fire Decree, with the suspension renewed every four years, implying a -- continual -- state of emergency).

The direction all this leads, and the reason why Schmitt has been taken so seriously by political theory, is to the theorisation of the crisis and state of emergency as not exceptional moments in political life opposed to some stable normality, but themselves the predominant form of the life of modern nations.

I had to think about Schmitt, because yesterday Chavez addressed the Venezuelan people at his Alo Presidente "What I want means a direct order" he said on National Television...."yo quiero significa una orden"...I would go even further: Chavez is the law, because currently the rule of law comes from Chavez´s orders, this constitutes in my opinion a dictartorship...

Ordoñez booed by Venezuelan fans!

This past Saturday Magglio Ordoñez played for the Venezuelan baseball team that played and won against the Netherlands. The Venezuelan team won and today will play Puerto Rico for a spot in the Semis the World Baseball Classic 2009.

The issue was that when Magglio Ordoñez was about to take his turn, Venezuelan fans in the stands started booing Magglio and linking him with Anti-Chavez rants. Now this issue was highly addressed by the media yesterday Sunday, when a Government Television depicted zoomed videos of the fans booing and ranting against a Venezuelan baseball player, followed by "the opposition does not have a country"..."la oposición apatrida". Even Chavez at his Presidential address talked about the issue saying that the oposition is acting against their own country and its because they are "bastards". Major baseball analysts and journalists are now condeming the actions against Magglio arguing that he was playing for "Venezuela".

Now the problem is when you mix Politics and Sports. Magglio Ordoñez should have known that his public support for the Chavez regime would get radical people acting and being loud against him. Magglio was the first one to mix Sports and Politics and now he is paying a price of being labeled by us, Venezuelans, on account of his support to the Chavez regime. Magglio is currently making $85 Million Dollars and his contract expires in 2010 in the Major Leagues. However, he is also making lots of money in Venezuela, playing politics with Chavez, and has even built a 40 Million Dollar Soccer Stadium in Eastern Venezuela (Estado Anzoategui), and loads of construction works for Chavez in Falcon State. What are Magglio´s qualifications for these government contracts? Well, he publicly supports Chavez...Does he or his Wife Dagly live in Venezuela? No, they have several homes in the United States? Do their two daughters, Maggliana and Sophia live and are educated in Venezuela? Not really...Does Magglio know something about the insecurity in our streets? No again, probably he knows more about 8 Mile Road in Detroit.

Now, the Venezuelan fans attending the game in Miami, most of them loud against the constant violations of Human Rights in Venezuela, including the violations against the freedom of press, when they see Magglio on the field, they sure want to get their message accross, Magglio played with Chavista politics and now he has to pay a price!