
Corapi on perils of US socialism

I read this article written by Father John Corapi, reflecting on the perils of socialism in government. I think its groundbreaking for a priest to address issues, such as governance and politics.

"Flash point: The point at which something is ready to blow up. That has been my perception of Western society in general for some time now. Perhaps, a train wreck waiting to happen would be another way to put it. All evil can claim its ultimate origin in moral evil. Those that deny objective standards of morality merely facilitate the demise of their society. When it happens they will be nowhere to be found.

That apparently large numbers of people seem to be intellectually and morally numb is not news, but the near light-speed evaporation of our way of life is. Actions have consequences, and sometimes the consequences can’t be seen this side of eternity. That does not mean they aren’t real. You will be seeing some of the consequences very soon, however, not the worst, but the most immediate.

Personal liberty has already begun to be compromised. Various governments, including the United States, now own car companies like General Motors and Chrysler, mega insurance companies, soon perhaps health care and energy. Injustice is beginning to be seen from the smallest of individuals to the largest of corporations. The only problem with that is that governments have never been able to operate anything profitably, efficiently, or equitably. The little guy and the large corporation will all be equal opportunity recipients of heavy-handed injustice very soon.

The government is about to dictate what car you can drive, how you insure it, what your bank can pay you or not, what kind of heating you have in your home, if you can have air conditioning or not. And, oh, if you eat a Twinkie your health insurance premium is going up. If you get sick, perhaps the Twinkie did it, and you aren’t covered.

You might say that the government needs to control things to keep us safe, etc. That might work if the people in government could be trusted. They can’t, but we elected them. We get what we deserve, and many chickens are about to come home to roost.
One of the inherent difficulties with a democratic republic is that it is only as good as the people in it. When a people lose their moral equilibrium, live in sin, and suffer the consequent loss of wisdom, then that nation’s days are numbered.

Why? How have we come to this? It can be traced to the most compelling moral issue of our times, and we can’t escape from it, no matter how uncomfortable it is—abortion and other life issues. No matter what other rosy picture is painted by those that would have you believe all is well, God is not a disinterested spectator. Regardless of the high sounding rhetoric of the day, seeming progress in this or that area, it is an illusion. Nothing will ultimately go well for the United States or any other country until the injustice of all injustices is remedied. Until every human being is respected and reverenced, from the moment of conception to the last moment of natural life, no one will be safe and secure. Whether it is the helpless infant in the womb or the misguided and/or evil abortionist on the wrong end of a bullet, all deserve the safety and security of the law. Only God can in justice and wisdom decide when life begins and when life ends. When we attempt to usurp God’s job description we always come up short.

God Bless You,

Fr. John Corapi"


David Carradine RIP

Kung Fu and Kill Bill star David Carradine was found yesterday dead in a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand. Apparently he was found in his robe...

Carradine was an excelent actor, reminding the mythical Kung Fu star who roamed the earth and mostly recently Bill in Kill Bill series delivered by Quentin Tarantino...

A sad loss for movies.


Cuban Style in Venezuela-Venezuelan journalist predicts Chavez next moves

Venezuelan journalist Nitu Perez Osuna has recently predicted what is to come for Chavez. I totally agree with Mrs Perez Osuna, I think it will be the natural effect of all Chavez's regulation. Now with an increase of upwards of 30,000 state workers (oil industry, cements, banking, and iron/steel workers it is expected to have at least a tough time to come up with workers wages. The economic strain will be felt and the private medical industry, consequently, expropriated and nationalized. Also the expropriation of private television and radio networks.

This is a free translation of Perez-Osuna note:

The gratuity of the now private health service will be issued on decree, all medical and auxiliary personnel will be added on the employees list of the state. Their installations will be expropriated by paying their owners 5% of market value in state bonds.

The use of cable and other satellite communications will be restricted to official departments and to hotels and tourist establishments. The use of mobile telecommunications will be solely for State representatives.

Internet access will be eliminated for natural persons. All private radio and television stations will be expropriated and will contribute for a sole national state network.


The dissapareance of Hugo Chavez

Last week celebrating the 10th anniversary of his Television show, Alo Presidente (Hello President), Hugo Chavez announced the transmission of the presidential show for 4 consecutive days (with its respective pauses). Now, he started the television show on Thrusday from my hometown of Zulia, and Friday in Caracas, when he dissapeared from public view. The television show was cancelled on Saturday and that very day public sources announced that it will back on Sunday from central Venezuela with Bolivian President Evo Morales. Suprisingly (or not) Chavez was no where to be found...

Presidential sources confirmed that the television show, Alo President was also cancelled on Sunday citing "technical problems". The public channels are broadcasting general news on Venezuela and remain suspisiciously silent as to where is Hugo Chavez and the real reason behind his dissapareance.