
Constitutional Crisis in Honduras?

This past weekend the events in Honduras has raised international attention. The events that led the Armed Forces of Honduras to take action against the elected President, Zelaya.

The constitutional quagmire as I understand is as follows. President Zelaya requested in an additional referendum question in Honduras (political survey) asking the Hondurans whether or not they are in agreement with the establishment of a Constitutional Assembly to draft a new constitution, and thus enabling himself for reelection. Now, the issue at hand is that the current Honduran Constitution provides in article 239 that anyone who has been previously elected president can not be eligle for President. Further, article 239 of the Honduran Constitution provides that anyone who breaches the rule or proposes its ammendment, and those who directly or indirectly give their support, will cease from public office and will remain politically disable for 10 years.

Now in my view President Zelaya has breached Honduran Constitutional law, specifically article 239, by submitting or trying to submit the possibility of his political reelection by the establishment of a Constitutional Assembly.

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