
Who is Valentin Santana ? La Piedrita, anyone?

Valentin Santana is the leader of an urban "collective" movement (La Piedrita) that seeks to protect the poor against the oppression of the state in a Venezuelan barrio (slums, projects or shankytown) called 23 de Enero in Caracas. Their name derives from being a "little stone" on the shoes of criminals, the empire or the oppressor.

Valentin Santana has claimed responsibility for criminal acts against Venezuelan private citizens (Marcel Granier, Alberto Federico Ravell and journalist Martha Colomina) just because they publicly oppose Chavez´s regime. He has publicly said through Venezuelan media that opposition leaders must be "executed". What is really insane is that this fellow has publicly violate the law by threating private citizens and tagging them "enemies of the revolution" or "representatives of the empire" and that they must be passed through revolutionary weapons.

What is worse, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, has publicly ordered the arrest of Valentin Santana. Chavez claims he is vital for peace in Venezuela. Still, to this date, Valentin Santana has remain free and vocal, even giving interviews to reporters from his military style bunker in Caracas.

Here you can see him with his shirt "Diego" which was his son, who was allegedly killed by Tupa Amaros (social group with ties with Chavez)...

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