
the Wheel of Fortune (or destiny)

If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you create character. If you create a character, you create a destiny.

Its the little choices that make up our lives. Human being are governed by free will, however we rarely see such choices come up in our lives. Its the little choices that count, those choices like waking up earlier or later, or wearing this or that outfit, that make up our lives. Even better, the choices that makes our day, taking this road, instead of that one, taking time to listen to a friend or a relative...

We choose constantly throughout the day, sometimes it seems that the choices pick you, instead of us making sound and sane choices. Then coincidences are no longer little freak events where we try to look busy and really interested in some other place and time. We must stop looking foolishly busy or not interested in these coincidences, but must act pleasently surprised to find that they constitute the makeup of our minds and our lives...

Carlo Tamagnone, an Italian philosopher from Turin, proposed a pragmatic view of destiny, like a force on the back that pilots the life of the men. According to him the destiny is therefore not an anthropological a priori, but an a posteriori of the flow of life, as evolutionary way under construction by every living person. In fact, apart from the genetic factor as its base, the destiny is forming by living and by accumulating experiences of life. In this perspective, the dstiny is therefore something that each individual built up as largely as an involuntary "project" of his life, acting and influencing his decisions and choices. Tamagnone recognizes six destinal elements-agents: the genetic inheritance, the childish imprinting, the condition, the situation, the role, the social class and the level of wealth

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