
Sabato nominated for Nobel Lit prize

One of Latinamerica´s finest writers alive, Ernesto Sabato, has been nominated to the Nobel Literature Prize. Ernesto Sabato was born in Argentina back in 1911. Curiously he graduated from Physics and earned his PhD from La Plata National University in Argentina. He also worked in the Currie Institute in Paris. After World War II, Ernesto Sabato lost his faith in science and starting writing.

His first book, the Tunnel (el Tunel) was a major success. This was his best book in my opinion which was a major literary inspiration in my law school days.

Some memorable quotes from Ernesto Sabato:

Un genio es alguien que descubre que la piedra que cae y la luna que no cae representan un solo y mismo fenómeno.

A genius is he who discovers that the rock that drops and the moons that does not, represents the one and same phenomenon.

Vivir consiste en construir futuros recuerdos.

To live consists in building future memories.

Ser original es en cierto modo estar poniendo de manifiesto la mediocridad de los demás.

To be original is in certain mode to manifestly highlight the mediocracy of others.

La vanidad es tan fantástica, que hasta nos induce a preocuparnos de lo que pensarán de nosotros una vez muertos y enterrados.

Vanity is so fantastic that it induces to worry about what will be thought of us once we are dead and buried.

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