
Forced Holidays?

This past Monday, February 2nd, 2009, Venezuelans woke up to a rather strange ambiance in the air. Our infamous President Chavez had ordered on Saturday,that Monday February 2nd, 2009 will be a national holiday, because of the 10 year anniversary of the Bolivarian revolution.

Its been a hell of a rollercoaster this past 10 years. Perhaps what is even worse, Venezuelans had a real chance of removing an elected President who had grossly violated the Venezuelan Constitution. The date was April 2002, the responsible Pedro Carmona Estanga, who acted on ill-counsel and self appointed himself provisional President of Venezuela. It was a mess, and still we are living this mess on account of such bad counsel. History will in deed find the responsibles of such a mess...

10 years have passed, and still the image of Chavez appears to be engraved on Venezuelans everywhere, specially those in humble settings. Chavez has received in these past 10 years more money to distribute between roughly 24,000,000 Venezuelans....it would take $2,000 for every Venezuelan citizen for 10 years of government, where has the money gone?

Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua? Perhaps the pockets of members of the Chavista regime?

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